Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Well I'm finally back. I had a devastating Vegas experience, that not only included losing money, but my computer deciding to not work anymore. Somehow, the powers that be, gave my computer life once again. So here I am. I am currently in Denver, Colorado, and I'd like to proudly announce, that I am still alive! It all started when I chose to ride with Sinking Ships to the Grand Canyon on our day off, and it somehow turned into "drive from hell". The Grand Canyon was absolutely breathtaking, and well worth the adventure. After we took it all in, we had the long trip to Denver to make. It was a mess of deserted highways, to a huge snow storm in the Rockie mountains. We had to get out and push the van numerous times, only having to chase it down to hop in while it was moving. It's been an eventful 24 hours to say the least.
The sun before the cold...
Me, not liking the edge very much...
Up close...
Far away...
Sweet dudes...
Two thumbs up for the Grand Canyon...
Chris Chase is my hero...
Snow, no, snow, no...
... I think I'm sick.


Anonymous said...

Danny is so rad.

Anonymous said...

hahaha nothing like driving in the snow in the rockies huh. be sure to tell paul hi for me!


Anonymous said...

i almost got a shit ton of free beer tonight for saying long horned sheep, or some shit, which is gay-lorado's state animal, but alas, it wasn't true..... long story. at any rate, i paid 1.99 american, (which is like 54.35 canadian and 654276548634368543 yen) to dowload a gay ass cbk ring tone on my phone and i expect to be fully re-imbursed in the form of ass raping and doughnuts. the club you fags are playing at here has a wicked loose back door so when it sells out we can sneak street urchins and pond frogs in at will. they also have a pretty nice free band beer nook. i got a job delivering shit for a wicked huge liquor store, and am seriously thinking twice about become not an alcholic. double negatives are probably allowed in gay-nada eh?
love, DEANERERERERERERERETRKHJghgfsjhfgsgfsjfshgfs
minnesota says fuck you and cum to butthead

lionamelie said...

casey is in town today to, he is taking rocky home on monday. when are you getting back?
