Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I remembered I had a few of these kicking around my computer. Basically, it's the end result of sticking a few immature dudes, late at night, on a computer with AOL instant messenger, and messaging "My IP Relay", complete with a cell phone that has a speaker. The possibilities are endless! Here's just a few samples, I definitely have way more!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Ok, a little dramatic but, I'm at that point. The point in the story where it either goes where I somehow hoped it would, in some kind of preconceived notion of a "happy ending," or it all comes plummeting down like a bird, after smacking it's unknowing face into a clear glass window, thinking it had it's end in sight.

I'm about 70 pages short of finishing "Girlfriend In A Coma" by Douglas Coupland. It's been bizarre at times, a little mysterious, and somewhat slow in the middle. But I am on the edge of the cliff now folks, and it can go either way now. Here I am hoping to fly, soar above the rest of the mediocre books my uneducated nose somehow smuggles its way into. This evening will finally tell, when I take that leap, homeward bound.

The book is a nice play off The Smiths song of the same title, but takes it to a different level. Karen, a 16 year old girl, falls victim to a coma, by mixing drugs with alcohol, leaving the friends and world she knew behind, struggling to understand their loss, these friends remain in a sort of standstill, almost fearful of continuing on without her. 20 years go by and she comes back to the world she once knew, but in a state, like she never left. She has to deal with all the changes around her, and the fact she now has a child (she got knocked up the night she hit the coma button). She also returns with a prophetic vision of a world ending. Something she says she "saw", and the reason why she was unable to return until 20 years later. This vision she shares with the world, but with little to no interest by the deaf ears around her. The prophecy is coming true and people are starting to fall asleep all around the world. Just dropping down, and going to sleep. Chaos is starting to ensue, and the ones still awake are trying to make sense of it, before they too, go to sleep. This is where I am at.

This is a plea Douglas. Look at me, I'm down on my knees here.... Please don't let me down!

Monday, August 14, 2006


Just got back from an incredible weekend down in Minneapolis. Went down to check out Wu-Tang Clan on Friday and Gorilla Biscuits on Sunday, and of course, indulge in a little "shopping." I got a digital camera finally, definitely a little late, but useful nonetheless. I hope it encourages me to update this more often. Here's a few snapshots from the weekend.

The gang's all here.

Worst idea ever... Coca-Cola & Coffee. Smoke weed much?

Hit up the Triple Rock for dinner, Po' Boys in full effect. Sean and Matt dropped by.

Beeps went for 2 Po' Boys, but finished 1 and a 1/2. Gross.

Mel, Craig and Puddy.

Eggo cereal?!? Amazing.

Apparently my GF thinks she's Herb Ritts and took a few of these.

Loving the 'Kick!

New Gloomy bear puppet.

And lastly, some shots from Wu-Tang on Friday, courtesy of the always high digital quality of the Hiptop2.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Can't wait. Release date?