Sunday, April 08, 2007


This is my new neighborhood. I took an afternoon stroll to see what it all has to offer.

Black squirrels?

"Banished from Upper Canada in 1819 on false charges of sedition, brought by the Family Compact. His writings had an impact on events leading to the 1837 rebellion."

Unfortunately it's Easter and this place was closed.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


So we took to the road on April 1st, and headed across this great nation of ours. We basically saw snow and slush to rain and fog. The drive was nothing short of beautiful, and we avoided any head-on contact with all wildlife, despite the "moose is loose" signs littered throughout the journey.

We stayed in motels along the way, and this one had, by far, the creepiest lamp that watched over me as I tried to sleep.

Oh, and in case anyone has forgotten...

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Last few things I got to see before heading out to Toronto. Farewell old apartment.

These next two pictures go somewhat hand in hand. Devin getting his YMCA on and Beeps getting his M-65 on.

Finally got to meet the newest addition to the Heide family, Luis.
We think this one is called "monkey in the tree"?
I got to catch one last Dirty Work set before I headed off for the big city lights.

Up the punx!