Friday, February 24, 2006


So as we embark on the long journey home, and I once again am forced to say ‘goodbye’ to this wonderful continent. So here I go…
‘Goodbye sandy beaches’… ‘Goodbye cute creatures’… ‘Goodbye sweaty dudes’… ‘Goodbye cliffs that when you jump off them you hurt your ass'... ‘Goodbye crazy nights’… Goodbye. Until we meet again...


lionamelie said...

those sandy beaches and the koala bear make me jealous. I wanna go there.

Mike T said...

Scott, I hope you checked your tickets before you left like I told you too... remember, oceanic flight 815 is BAD. Delay a day if you have too! But if you see Kate, tell her I said "whats up", cool?

oh, new lost is on this week. remember the deal, if you need to catch up i'll burn them to CD's for ya when you get here. in a month. man, that sucks for you, hahaha!