Tuesday, February 21, 2006


In light of the most recent email I received from a kid telling me I had a "potty mouth", and he was going to no longer support Comeback Kid, I only have this to say... WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!? DO YOU KNOW ME!? I HAVE THE MIND OF A 12 YEAR OLD! I THINK SHIT LIKE THIS IS FUNNY!...

I really will be 'young until I die'... please join me!


Jon Utzat said...

Words are words... that's all. People get offended by almost anything. Kangaroos humping is always funny.

Tre Till Death said...

It looks like the kangaroos are boning next to a dead kangaroo...

I am sure it is sleeping. But yeah. Could be dead.

stacey said...

haha did you seriously get an email saying that?
that's amazing. i apparently made one of these like a year & half ago but never used it. but now i can use it to give you & fat mat exciting & important updates, or uh, something.

lionamelie said...

ahhahahahahahhahahhahahah funniest post ever.


Anonymous said...

hi my name is claire and i just spent two weeks with you.

