Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Well today Radiohead's seventh studio album entitled "In Rainbows" was released, but not in the conventional way. Radiohead is the first band of their stature to cut out the middleman (the record label) and release this record digitally via their website. And if that wasn't enough, you decide how much you're willing to pay.

As someone who has been personally involved with the 'music industry' and felt the effects of it's 'shady' ways, I think this is huge. I bought this release this afternoon, and I wholeheartedly suggest you do too. We can all go and download it for free, and I'm sure Radiohead is financially secure, but it goes beyond all that. If this is seen by the 'industry', and by other bands, as a possibility, perhaps this will have a ripple effect, and change the way music is available to fans.

Now I mean no disrespect to the friends I have working their asses off at smaller, indie labels, helping smaller bands get out there, but there has been way too many bands that have been royaly fucked over by larger labels, and even the indie labels (Fuck Victory Records).

I want a change. If you do to, I think this is an opportunity to support that change. I mean, fuck it, if Ian Brown and Johnny Marr can get behind this, why shouldn't we all?

Buy "In Rainbows" here.

Also read this article to get more info on this issue.

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