Sunday, September 16, 2007


It was like being sixteen all over again, except this time when getting carded I was actually admitted into the show. This was only my second time seeing Eric's Trip, the first being at Another Roadside Attraction, an outdoor festival in which Eric's Trip's music didn't quite suit. The only other time I had tried to see them was at Foufs in Montreal, where I was under 18. I bought a ticket and went for it, ignoring the fact I was underage, and ultimately being turned away, devastated. Well more than 10 years later, with a recent reunion, I was finally able to catch one of my favourite bands in the right setting, under the right circumstances.

(I didn't think to bring my camera so these were all caught on my blackberry, so excuse the quality.)

1 comment:

pat456 said...

i was going to say..way to go photo champ, they did look like photos from a phone still pretty decent for a phone camera tho for sure.