Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I have such a hard-on for this band. From the first time I saw these guys, and when I first got their demo 7", to now, I feel like this band has totally grown from this small town heartbeat into a total juggernaut. An unstoppable force destroying every little shitty note, by every little shitty band, and being one of the last few interesting contributors left in a scene gasping for air. These guys are my oxygen tank... I just got a gulp of fresh air...


Anonymous said...

it looks like i will be coming up to winnipeg after all. see you saturday!!

Anonymous said...

totally agreed!
MLIW are surely one of the best hardcore bands to date
its very sad they decided to break up, but after all they left their huge legacy, respect to these guys from marshalltown, iowa
the beat continues unstoppable in our hearts.