Friday, June 30, 2006


You know when someone else writes something, and you totally wish you had...

"These days cowards outnumber the heroes, and the begging souls outweigh the calloused hands of the hardest of workers. Both in life and in art, the lack of passion is sickening and the lust for complacency is poisonous. This album is the artistic antithesis of that sinking world, a thorn in the side of their beast. It's for those who move mountains, one day at a time. It's for those who truly understand sacrifice...In our world of enemies, we will walk alone..."

Converge never disappoint me. That statement is one of the best things I've read in such a long time, I had to repost it, so I can come back to this again, and again.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Here it is, July 15th. Come on out! After party to follow... going to be a night to remember.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Mickey has been adopted... no thanks to any of you! But he's finally going to a great home, 8 months later.